Friday, May 31, 2019

Rose Still Life Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, "Rose Bowl", 8x8x1.5" Original Art SOLD

I have been on a flower painting jag this week....and there is more to come.

Fresh flowers and my very best (and only) Waterford crystal rose bowl make this special to me.

The sides are painted black and it is ready to hang.

All my favorite, purple, aqua, green.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Vegetable Still Life, Red Pepper Painting, "Big Red" by Carol Schiff, 20x24x1.5" Oil

It has been some time since I have painted a vegetable still life, so I decided to try one this week.  In the past I painted every fruit and vegetable you could imagine, but they were small pieces, usually 6x8" or smaller.

Purchase here
879. + shipping
 This one is actually 20x24" and painted with a combination of palette knife and brush.  You will notice with this next image below, that the the background is actually more gray green than the blue shade above.  I must have taken 20 photos of this, trying to get the colors correct, but in the end I had to choose between the bluish background and the front end of the pepper turning a garish orange mustard hue. Yuck!  At any rate, the photo below seems quite accurate in both places.

Thank you for viewing my blog today.  I hope you enjoy this vegetable still life painting.  Give it a pin!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Flower Painting, Sunflower Painting, Small Oil Painting, 12x16" Original Floral

Remember summer?  Now that I have moved, after living in Florida for 40 years, winter has slapped me in the face!  Even though it has been a very mild February, I long for the warmth of the sun.

Purchase here

I think this is an interesting viewpoint, looking up at a sunflower that was towering over me.

If you ever visit Waynesville, NC, look for Love Lane Flower Farm, where you can pick your flowers fresh.  They supply everything you need and you pay on the honor system.  How cool is that?  

Hope you have a sunny day.



Monday, May 13, 2019

Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Floral Still Life, Small Flower Painting, Flower Knife Art, "Roadside Bouquet" by Carol Schiff, 8x8x1.5" Oil SOLD

I call this "Roadside Bouquet" because I was walking a country road in the Blue Ridge Mountains last summer, and I collected all these wonderful flowers blooming in ditches and fields.  Wild day lily, Queen Ann's Lace, daisy and purple clover abound!

I was in the zone, while painting this, slinging paint and making no effort to be true to the image I was working from.  No, my orange day lilies don't look like day lilies and I am fine with that.

It was one of my favorite home made is the picture.

I cannot wait for summer to return!

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

White Rose Painting, 8x10x1.5" Flower Still Life, Flower Painting, Floral Painting, SOLD

Birthday Flowers!!

Way back in December, my son and his wife sent me some beautiful flowers for my birthday.  The first thing I did was photograph them.  Then I forgot about the photos!

I finally found them last week, and decided to try my hand at one.  I am very intimidated  by flowers.  They seem so complex and I rarely meet that sweet spot between too little or too much detail.  I am not so sure about this one, but I do like the colors.

Try, try and try again!

Carol Schiff