Saturday, March 30, 2019

Rose Painting, Floral Still Life, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting 8x8x1.5" Oil SOLD

Yes, yes, yes......I am still painting flowers.  I have been on quite a flower jag lately.

I was pleased with this one.


Roses have always been difficult for me.  This time I tried to channel Elio.  I was determined not to describe each petal,  I did my best to remember the softness and translucency of a rose petal.  I wanted to pop the colors, but, not too much.  Finally, I made myself stop!

Yes, I like this one.....and I hope you do too.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, VanGogh landscape, "Tribute to Vincent" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil

Each week our art group appoints one member as leader.  The leader, decides what type of project we will work on that day.  A few weeks ago, Faye was our leader, and as her project, she brought it images of VanGogh and Monet paintings for us to re-create.

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110. + shipping
 I chose his very famous "Wheatfield with Cypresses" . Actually, I chose one of three similar paintings that carry that name.

 I have always wanted to give his famous and distinctive swirling brushwork a try.  It was an interesting experiment, one that I will probably do again.

Years ago, I spent some time studying the masters  and duplicating some of their works.  I found it to be very informative.  Here is one of my attempts at Degas' work, "Woman Bathing"

And Cezanne


And Gauguin........



Thanks for reading my blog today.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A year Later: Mountains VS Beach

It has been a year since we moved to Asheville, and we are loving our new community.  I came across this post from last year, and thought you might enjoy it again.

We have just left the beaches of Florida and moved to the mountains of western North Carolina.   This is a preview of what our surroundings will look like in a few blooms yet!

Everyone loves a touch of spring this time of the year....enjoy!

One afternoon I grabbed my camera and ran outside to capture the beautiful spring day and this is what I found.

I inherited a garden in front of our new home, and everything was coming alive at once...

Fiddleheads were popping up

Dogwood was blooming everywhere I
looked in both pink.....

and white blossoms.  Tulips, lilac and azalea were everywhere and the days were filled with the music of songbirds.

A drive to WaterRock Knob, off the Blue Ridge Parkway, showed less color at the higher elevation, but still beautiful to see.

For an Ohio girl, who has spent most of the last 50 years in Florida, it seemed all my memories of spring were spread out before my eyes.  Don't get me wrong, I truly love living in Florida, but when spring or fall calls, I head to the mountains.

Stay tuned, to see these images interpreted in oil.

Thanks for stopping by today.



Sunday, March 17, 2019

Floral Landscape, Floral Still Life Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, Echinacea 11x14" Oil

I found this charming scene in Brevard North Carolina.  I couldn't resist taking a photo to paint from.  As much as I would have liked to paint it plein aire, the opportunity was not there.

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I love the bits of bright colors in purples, blues and greens.

Thanks for visiting by blog today!

Carol Schiff

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hydrangea Still Life Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Flower Painting, 8x10" Original Oil Painting

Last winter, I spent three months on the east coast of Florida.  It involved many walks on the beach, and my painting was full of seagulls, and seascapes.

I also painted this hydrangea still life.  I hope you like it.

purchase here

Carol Schiff