Monday, October 30, 2017

Impressionist Fruit Still Life, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 8x10x1.5" Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

In a blatant attempt to get away from flower paintings, today I am posting a still life of fruit,

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225. + shipping
 I have been accused of having to many grayed down hues in my art, so recently, I an trying to focus on more vibrant more pasty pastels!

 I would like to report, that my tube of white paint is lasting longer, but it is too soon to tell.

Regardless, I am pleasently surprised with the color I achieved here, so hopefully I am on the right track.

Thanks for reading my blog today, and a special thank you to all who have supported my art and my blog with their purchases.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Painting on sale, Floral still life, daily painting, small oil painting, "Spring Flowers" by Carol Schiff, 8x10 Oil SOLD

An oldie, but a goodie!


Tip for artists:  Instead of purchasing art books, I purchase paintings from my favorite artists.  I find it much more helpful for me to study technique and brushwork from an actual example instead of a book.  I have the added benefit of owning original artwork which I enjoy daily in my home.

Have a great day and take time to smell the roses.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sunflower Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 14x18x.75" Oil SOLD

Last summer I visited Colorado and fell in love with the state.  The beauty is breath taking and I was trying to record it all on my camera.

Today's painting is a light hearted, laid back attempt to capture the wild sunflowers swaying in the breeze of the Colorado landscape.

 On a whim, I decided to paint over an old abstract painting, that carried lots of texture in specific areas.

That set the tone of the painting for me.  I stayed loose and free.

Much of the background is from the original painting.

I have a friend who burns her unsuccesful paintings at the end of the year.  I think that is a dangerous activity.  The fumes of the paint and mediums burning cannot be a good thing.  I much prefer to paint over a less successful painting and save a few dollars by reusing the canvas.  I am all about recycling.

Happy Painting!!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Rose Still Life Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, "Rose Bowl", 8x8x1.5" Original Art SOLD

I have been on a flower painting jag this week....and there is more to come.

Fresh flowers and my very best (and only) Waterford crystal rose bowl make this special to me.

The sides are painted black and it is ready to hang.

All my favorite, purple, aqua, green.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Flower Painting, Iris Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 6x8" on Canvas Panel

I spent most of the spring in the mountains of North Carolina, surrounded by flowers everywhere.  They must have the perfect environment for flowers, and I loved every minute of it.  This is one of the beautiful iris' I photographed during my stay.

purchase here
I had a difficult time getting this painting to the finishing point, but turns out, my real struggle was in trying to get a decent photograph of it.  I find that blues and greens tend me merge when photographed, especially blues.  I took many photos of this painting, under different conditions, but I believe many of the subtle color changes were lost.  Note to self:  Don't do blue and green paintings, and don't do very dark paintings.....also impossible (for me) to photograph well.

In any event, thanks for viewing my art today.

Carol Schiff

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Flower Palette Knife Painting, Hydrangea Painting,Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8" Textured Floral

While everyone is running around, with thoughts of turkey on their minds, I sit at the computer, remembering my lovely garden from last summer.  Hydrangea is always a favorite for me.

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I painted with a palette knife, and left it very impressionistic, almost abstract.  I wanted to highlight the colors and not the form.

I have been struggling with my oils for several months now, but I was happy with the results on this piece, which has given me hope.

Thank you for viewing my blog today and I wish you all a HAPPY TURKEY DAY.

Carol Schiff

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Impressionist Fruit Still Life, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 8x10x1.5" Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

In a blatant attempt to get away from flower paintings, today I am posting a still life of fruit,

Purchase here
225. + shipping
 I have been accused of having to many grayed down hues in my art, so recently, I an trying to focus on more vibrant more pasty pastels!

 I would like to report, that my tube of white paint is lasting longer, but it is too soon to tell.

Regardless, I am pleasently surprised with the color I achieved here, so hopefully I am on the right track.

Thanks for reading my blog today, and a special thank you to all who have supported my art and my blog with their purchases.

Friday, October 6, 2017

White Rose Painting, 8x10x1.5" Flower Still Life, Flower Painting, Floral Painting

Birthday Flowers!!

purchase here
Way back in December, my son and his wife sent me some beautiful flowers for my birthday.  The first thing I did was photograph them.  Then I forgot about the photos!

I finally found them last week, and decided to try my hand at one.  I am very intimidated  by flowers.  They seem so complex and I rarely meet that sweet spot between too little or too much detail.  I am not so sure about this one, but I do like the colors.

Try, try and try again!

Carol Schiff