Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Floral with Melon Still Life, 14x18x.75" Oil

Today's art is a workshop painting.  I recently attended a 4-day workshp with one of my favorite artists, Elio Camacho.  Elio is as good as an instructor as he is as an artist.  I would be hard pressed to find another instructor with as much knowledge and one who gave me as much individual attention.  Maybe he thought I need the attention more than others....just kidding.  Everyone in the class got lots of instruction tailored to their individual needs.

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This is my second Elio workshop and I have already signed up for another.  I need constant reinforcement to actually put his techniques in practice.

Elio is not an internet artists, but you can find his work on Pinterest.  He doesn't allow photos taken of him that expose his face.  You will see lots of images of him at the easel, always from behind.

He lives in the Bay area, but travels to Florida in the Spring and Fall of each year to do workshops in several locations here.  Workshop information is available on his website here.  If you decide to go, you will have a real treat ahead of you, as he is also a very interesting person with a wonderful sense of humor.  Enjoy!

Have a great day!


Friday, February 26, 2016

Floral Still Life, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Flower Still Life, 12x12x1.5" Oil, "Garden Bounty"

I picked these flowers (peony and hydrangea)  from my garden, and placed them in sunlight.

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I have to admit, I struggled with this piece.  I started with a brush, but after much frustration, I turned to my trusty palette knife.  In the end, I am happy with the values, and the glow on the hydrangea on the rigfht.  And the colors, love the colors.  In fact, the more I look at it....the happier I get!

So the moral of this story is, don't give up!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear granddaughter, Courtney!!

Friday, February 12, 2016


It seems I always return to still life paintings and the ever popular fruits and vegetables.  Especially for small works, they are so much fun.

And of course, they are all double duty, first as models and secondly as lunch.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Daily Painting, Flower Painting, Small Oil Painting, "Rose of Sharon" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil SOLD

I can only go so long without doing a flower painting!  This time of the year there are beautiful flowers where ever you look.  These are Rose of Sharon from my garden.


www.Carol Schiff

Monday, February 8, 2016

Vegetable Still Life, Red Pepper Painting, "Big Red" by Carol Schiff, 20x24x1.5" Oil

It has been some time since I have painted a vegetable still life, so I decided to try one this week.  In the past I painted every fruit and vegetable you could imagine, but they were small pieces, usually 6x8" or smaller.

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 This one is actually 20x24" and painted with a combination of palette knife and brush.  You will notice with this next image below, that the the background is actually more gray green than the blue shade above.  I must have taken 20 photos of this, trying to get the colors correct, but in the end I had to choose between the bluish background and the front end of the pepper turning a garish orange mustard hue. Yuck!  At any rate, the photo below seems quite accurate in both places.

Thank you for viewing my blog today.  I hope you enjoy this vegetable still life painting.  Give it a pin!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Sunflower Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 14x18x.75" Oil

Last summer I visited Colorado and fell in love with the state.  The beauty is breath taking and I was trying to record it all on my camera.

Today's painting is a light hearted, laid back attempt to capture the wild sunflowers swaying in the breeze of the Colorado landscape.

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 On a whim, I decided to paint over an old abstract painting, that carried lots of texture in specific areas.

That set the tone of the painting for me.  I stayed loose and free.

Much of the background is from the original painting.

I have a friend who burns her unsuccesful paintings at the end of the year.  I think that is a dangerous activity.  The fumes of the paint and mediums burning cannot be a good thing.  I much prefer to paint over a less successful painting and save a few dollars by reusing the canvas.  I am all about recycling.

Happy Painting!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

You may have seen this before!

I apologize if you have seen this before.  I had a posting problem several weeks ago and two of my posts went out to some, but not all.  I decided to post them again.

Today, I wanted to post a few of my teapot lamps and something new.....dinner plate clocks.

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 This will never take the place of my art, but, it is a nice little break ......getting creative in another media.  I loved the leopard print teapot and I paired it up with a yellow and black plate that has a bumblebee on it.

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I always smile when I see this one with yellow and black polk a dots as well as black and white checks with yellow daisies.

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This clock is perfect for a country kitchen and it has a hanging attachment right on the back.
Tick tock, tick tock.

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And finally, this black and white beauty, for the more sophisticated kitchen nook.

Tomorrow.....back to the easel.  I hope you  enjoyed this little break from art.